Alternative (Independent) News & Views
REALLY happening???? There is much going on in the world that
is suppressed, mis-represented or omitted by the mainstream
media. This section aims to present other news and views to
expand our awareness of global issues; it is new and will be
continually added to. Please check back occasionally for additions.
news and truth
are not the same thing.
~ Walter Lippman (1889-1974) ~

Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority,
it's time to pause and reflect.
~ Mark Twain ~~

The man who reads nothing at all is better educated
than the man who reads nothing but the newspapers.
~ Thomas Jefferson ~~

Whoever controls the media,
controls the mind.
~ Jim Morrison ~

War, Freedom, Personal Rights, Environment |
PrisonPlanetTV with Alex Jones
Alternative "real" news - live streaming media, articles, news reports, documentaries, books and more from internationally recognized veteran broadcaster, documentary filmmaker, and investigative journalist Alex Jones. He has been featured as a prominent figure of the 9/11 Truth Movement in such publications as The New York Times, Vanity Fair, Rolling Stone Magazine and Popular Mechanics. He has appeared on Good Morning America, The View, 20/20 Downtown, 60 Minutes, The Discovery Channel, The History Channel, Fox News, CNN, TalkSport (UK), Russia Today, Channel 4 (UK), A&E, America's most widely listened to late night radio show, Coast to Coast AM, C-Span, and many other venues. Patrick Beech of the Austin-American Statesman has described Jones as "an absolutely riveting television presence."
Coast To Coast AM with George Noory
Noory captivates program listeners with his discussions of paranormal phenomena, time travel, alien abductions, conspiracies and all things curious and unexplained. It airs on more than 500 stations in the U.S., as well as Canada, Mexico and Guam, and is heard by nearly 3million weekly listeners and is the most listened to overnight radio program in North America. Coast to Coast AM deals with UFO's, strange occurrences, life after death, and other unexplained (and often unexplicable) phenomena. Coast to Coast AM is overnight talk radio with daytime ratings.

Truthout is an independent
source of critical news and commentary on world
events. Includes Forum and daily newsletter.
A daily independent radio and tv news program
on over 200 stations, pioneering the largest
community media collaboration in the US. Hosted
by hosted by award-winning journalists Amy Goodman
and Juan Gonzalez.
News |
Current news of important events and issues
from around the world.
WhatReallyHappened Website is anti-war and anti-lie. The purpose
of this site is to expose deceptions by governments
and media used to trick the public into wars
and out of their money.
Online magazine and research tool designed to
keep the American people and the world informed
about the overseas plans of the American government.
Anti-war news, viewpoints and activities, trying
to present a lot of the news that you won't
see on CNN or in The New York Times.
CORPWATCH provides news, analysis, first
person accounts, research tools and action
alerts to respond to corporate activity around
the globe. It counters corporate-led globalization
through education, network-building and activism.
Working to foster democratic control over
corporations by building grassroots globalization
a diverse movement for human rights and dignity,
labor rights and environmental justice.

The Disclosure Project - pursuing a disclosure
on the existence of new and alternate energy
systems that have been deliberately and illegally
News Sites |
A not-for-profit company based in the UK, publishing
a quarterly international newspaper reporting
on the people, events and influences that are
creating a positive future.
Positive, inspirational and upbeat good news.
An upbeat site with stories of human strength,
kindness, generosity - a source of hope and
optimism. Be part of a positive internet community.
Susbscribe to Positive Quote of the Day and
Positive News of the Day. |
Miscellaneous |
